Even if you own your own vehicle, if it’s not a pickup truck, there’s a large chance that at some point, you’ll need to borrow or rent another vehicle to accomplish a task. For example, perhaps you bought a new couch, but don’t have a way to get it home. Or perhaps you’re cleaning out your garage and need to take a load to the landfill, but aren’t sure how you’ll get everything there. Any time that you need a vehicle that can move heavy, dirty, or awkwardly-shaped items with ease, you need a pickup truck.
Do you need a vehicle that you can trust to work hard for you? Whether you’re planning for a move, have a big yard or other project that needs to be completed, or want to tow some recreational vehicles for a weekend getaway, you’ll love our F-150 pickup trucks. These vehicles offer:
Of course, our trucks also feature air conditioning, AM/FM radio, and seatbelts and airbags for safety. These trucks are truly the workhorses of the vehicle world, and can be used to serve just about any purpose.
If you’re looking for a pickup truck rental in Crown Point, you may have some questions about our trucks and our rental policies here at Marcus/Allard Truck Rental. Here are a few frequently asked questions that we hear:
Our pickup trucks are ready to use now. To make your pickup truck rental reservation in Crown Point, send us message telling us more about what you’re looking for and when using the contact form on our website, or call us directly at 219-838-0200. We have been in business for 60 years, and know how to keep our customers happy.