How To Move With Kids

December 18, 2022, 9:35

With so much change surrounding a move, kids can feel overwhelmed and anxious even more than adults. While kids are often more adaptable and resilient, there are ways to help them through the transition that can be very difficult in the moment.

Talk it Out: Do not have moving discussions behind closed doors. Your children are perceptive and will feel left out if they are not part of the conversation and have input in the planning process. If there are specific reasons behind the move, make sure that your children understand those and that you are all in this together as a family.

Give Them Tasks: Make sure that your children have a hand in the process so that they can feel a sense of being on the same team. Have them go through their belongings to donate to a nonprofit or gift some things to friends that they are leaving behind. Have them help pack and offer input on the new home, especially their own rooms.

Scout Out on a Vacation: If you have a trip planned that will be ahead of your move, take your children with you so that they can get a feel for where they are going. Jumping into the unknown is part of what makes moving so scary. If they have an idea of what their new life looks like ahead of time, it can help with the transition.

Make Connections: When you are in the transitional phase, find areas that interest your children, whether they are into sports or art. By volunteering, joining a club, or becoming part of a sports team early on, you are launching your children into their new home with key connections and a feeling of community.

Stay Connected: When your children are leaving behind good friends, it can make the move especially tough. Make sure that you have contact information for parents and plan time to visit when you head back to your old neighborhood.

Start With Their Space: Once you have a workable kitchen and bathrooms, take on unpacking and organizing your kids’ rooms, so they can decompress as soon as possible. Having their own spaces good to go will help alleviate anxiety and stress.

Check-in: Even if your kids seem to be adjusting quickly, take the time to talk about it and ask questions. Maybe they see how busy you are and do not want to bother you with their emotions. Give them the time and space to feel whatever they need to feel and plan fun events and downtime throughout the moving process and initial days in your new home.

Connect With Your Moving Rental Company Early On

Bring your kids out to pick up your rental vehicle. Our Marcus Allard Truck Rental team members can address your concerns and answer your rental questions. Reach out to us via our online contact form