What Are Ways to Keep My Kids Entertained During the Move?

April 28, 2024, 13:01

Moving is an adventure, a fresh start that promises new opportunities and experiences. However, for families, it can also be a source of stress, especially when kids are part of the equation. At Marcus Allard Truck Rental, we understand the challenges of moving with children. That’s why we’re here with helpful tips for parents to keep their little ones entertained and happy throughout the moving process. After all, a move should be exciting for everyone involved, including the youngest members of your family.

Put Together a Moving Day Kit

One of the best ways to keep kids occupied during a move is to create a special moving day activity kit. This kit could include a variety of items such as markers, crayons, coloring books, sticker books, playdough and any lightweight craft supplies. Presenting this kit to them on moving day will make it feel like a gift, turning their focus to these new and exciting items rather than the chaos of the move. This approach lets them explore their creativity and stay engaged in a positive way.

Make Sure They Have a Few Favorite Items

Amidst the whirlwind of packing and organizing, it’s crucial to ensure that your children have some of their favorite toys close by. These familiar items can provide comfort and a sense of normalcy during a time that often feels anything but normal. Just remember to select toys that are not too bulky or heavy to avoid additional stress.

Pack a Deck of Cards and Other Games

Never underestimate the power of a simple deck of cards. It’s a versatile option that can lead to countless games, suitable for children of all ages. Whether it’s Go Fish, War, Crazy Eights or even Solitaire for an only child, card games can offer endless entertainment. Additionally, consider packing other lightweight games that can easily fit into a moving day bag.

Provide Books

Books are a wonderful way to keep children entertained and can be a great option for kids of all ages. Before the move, have your children select a few of their favorite books to keep out of the moving boxes. For younger children who may not be able to read yet, picture books can serve as a fantastic source of entertainment during the trip in your rental vehicle. Designate a safe, quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle where they can dive into their stories.

Get Creative

Use what you have at hand to encourage creativity. If you find yourself with extra moving boxes, save them along with some markers or other craft supplies. Your children can use these materials to create forts, houses or whatever their imaginations come up with. Sometimes, the simplest resources can provide the most fun and memorable moving day activities.

Book Your Moving Truck Rental

At Marcus Allard Truck Rental, we’re not just about providing the perfect rental truck or van for your move; we’re about supporting our customers through every aspect of their moving journey. Keeping your kids entertained during the move can make the whole process smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. Remember, a happy child makes for a happier moving day. For all your moving needs, from selecting the right vehicle to packing tips, we are here to help. Contact us today to rent a moving truck.